Are you trying to break free from the shackles of sickness or difficulties and the chains that have held you bound for so long? You are doing everything you can to escape, and the enemy knows this; they see your efforts, and I assure you, they are terrified. Last time, we studied the story of the Israelites leaving Egypt—please check out the “Let Me Go” article for that. We learned that the Lord came down to rescue and deliver His people with His mighty hand. I trust that the Lord has been doing wonders in your life, and you have been fervently praying for your deliverance.

The enemies are scared that you are on the verge of breaking free, and guess what? They are relentless. They won’t just sit back and let you go; they will fight back, so don’t be surprised if they do. The sickness you are praying so hard to heal may worsen. Don’t let that terrify you; don’t let it convince you that the Lord isn’t hearing your prayers. “Can’t you see the doctor’s report? It’s gotten worse! There’s no way out!” Don’t let such reports discourage you. Don’t give up on your prayers for freedom; the Lord is working wonders in your life.

The enemies are scared that you are on the verge of breaking free, and guess what? They are relentless. They won’t just sit back and let you go; they will fight back, so don’t be surprised if they do.

What about the oppression or captivity you are trying to escape? You might have noticed that the more you pray, the stronger the oppression seems to hold you down. I assure you, the kingdom of darkness is terrified; they know you are breaking free, so they are using all their forces and resources to attack you.

You have been praying to have your own baby. You have waited faithfully and patiently for the Lord to hear your prayers, and yet you receive bad reports. Doctors are now telling you to give up, and perhaps your family and friends have also given up on you. Maybe even your husband has expressed hopelessness. I tell you, there is hope for a tree; even if it has been cut down, it will sprout again and grow new branches (Job 14:7). There is hope for you. The Lord is not baffled by the worst situation or by the big medical terms given to your condition.

The enemy knows you are about to break free from that situation, and he knows his time is up.

Now, I ask you: are you going to be discouraged? Will you let them hold you back? This is the time to ignite your prayers; don’t relax after just one day of prayer.

The enemy might say, “Who is the Lord that I should obey Him and let Israel go? I do not know the Lord, and I will not let Israel go” (Exodus 5:2). Imagine? Pharaoh had placed a heavy yoke on the Israelites for so long that he considered himself their lord, assuming ownership of their lives. Does this sound familiar? Perhaps a situation has been dominating your life for so long that it feels like the master over you.

The enemy does not want you to be free; they don’t want you to be promoted or achieve the purpose God has for your life. They don’t want your children to succeed, your business to prosper, or your marriage to have peace. Just as Pharaoh questioned why he should obey a Lord he didn’t know, the enemy will ask you the same question when you demand to be released from your situation.

They want to challenge your authority and power. Are you ready to give them answers? Are you prepared to declare who the Lord is—the One who has come to set you free, the Great Deliverer, the Savior, the Mighty Man of War? He is Jesus, and the Bible says, “God highly exalted Him, and gave Him a name that is above every name; that at the name of Jesus, every knee will bow” (Philippians 2:9).

Don’t let the enemy intimidate you; the Lord has come to set you free. I don’t know how tall or high your mountain of problems is. Who says it’s impossible for God? “I am the God of all mankind; is there anything too difficult for me?” (Jeremiah 32:27). Nothing is impossible for God, folks. No matter what you are going through right now, God’s power is not limited by the size of your situation. He can do all things!

Now, consider what the enemy did to the Children of God in the book of Exodus. “The king said to Moses, why are you taking the people away from their labor?” (Exodus 5:4). Do you know that the enemy wants to keep you bound? Are you going to let him?

On that same day, Pharaoh ordered the slave drivers to stop providing straw for making bricks for the Israelites. He commanded them to find their own straw while still producing the same amount of work they did when he provided it. Can you see what he’s doing? He is making life exceedingly difficult for them. He wanted them to work as hard as before without the necessary resources. Some of us can relate to this—perhaps in your workplace, where you are trying to break free and the oppressor has increased your workload, expecting you to finish on time. This could also represent the strongman in your life, making every turn more difficult and worsening your health despite all you are doing.

Now, see what the Israelite did and I want us to take note of this in our lives. After they realized what Pharaoh did and the severe punishment they received when they couldn’t meet up to the demands. Then, they went to Pharaoh and said, ‘Why have you treated your servant this way? Your servants are given no straw, yet we are ask, Make bricks! You servants are being beaten, but the faults are with your own people.’

My friends, don’t gamble with the enemy, don’t beg, don’t negotiate, and don’t request sympathy from them. They are the enemy! Instead, when you see they are making life more difficult for you, go back to the things you were doing that made them behave in such manner, go back to prayer. Intensify the fire, send angels on assignment, and increase the prayers. Don’t stop. They are being threatened, that’s why they are making life more difficult. Do you get it? I don’t know what you are struggling with, but the Lord wants to deliver you, he wants to save you from that strongman, from the stubborn and obstinate situation. Stay strong, stay focus and don’t give up the fight; the Lord will give your victory. Many have given up on the way to their breakthrough, they allowed discouragement, distraction, doubt, fear and even sin to keep them away from their breakthrough. Don’t make such mistake again.

My friends, don’t gamble with the enemy, don’t beg, don’t negotiate, and don’t request sympathy from them. They are the enemy! Instead, when you see they are making life more difficult for you, go back to the things you were doing that made them behave in such manner, go back to prayer. Intensify the fire, send angels on assignment, and increase the prayers. Don’t stop.

I may not know the specific struggles you are facing, but the Lord wants to deliver you; He wants to rescue you from that stronghold and from stubborn situations. Stay strong, stay focused, and don’t give up the fight; the Lord will grant you victory. Many have given up on their path to breakthrough, allowing discouragement, distraction, doubt, fear, and even sin to lead them astray.


Abimbola Circlesoflove
Abimbola Circlesoflove
Articles: 47