The Bible says in Isaiah 60, “Arise and shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.” Today, you will rise; you will overcome every shame and disappointment in your life. You will rise above every scorn and disgrace. You will rise from every sickness or dead situation, in Jesus’ name.
Notice that the Bible doesn’t simply say to arise; it says to “arise and shine!” God completes His work; He does not do things halfway. In the story of Lazarus, after Jesus commanded the dead man to come forth, He instructed those present to remove the burial clothes from him. Why? Because a living man should not walk around in dead clothing. That is not God’s will for him. Once the Lord sets you free, He will remove the dead clothing, the shame, and the stigma that the enemy has placed upon your life.
When you are alive but surrounded by reminders of death, you cannot truly shine. Do you understand that? You cannot be living and carry the scent of death or be covered in shame. Jesus recognized this when He raised Lazarus from the dead; He wanted him not just to come back to life but to truly shine, for His light had come, and the glory of the Lord had risen upon him.
The will of God for you is to shine, not just to exist, but to walk in the blessings and goodness of the Lord. He doesn’t want you to feel dry; He desires for you to be filled with life—flesh, tendons, skin, and breath”. Abimbola Circlesoflove
God wants to remove all representations of the dead from your life. He wants you to shine and to live in the fullness of His grace and power. He wants you to walk in His blessings. So, arise and shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. Your light is Christ; Jesus has dispelled the darkness surrounding you. He has taken away your shame and reproach. Your glory has come, your breakthrough has arrived, and your upliftment is here in Jesus’ name. Praise God!
In the book of Ezekiel, God instructed Ezekiel to prophesy over the dry bones. As he did, tendons and flesh appeared on the bones, and skin covered them, but there was still no breath in them. Flesh, skin, and bones serve no purpose without breath. Then, the Lord commanded Ezekiel to prophesy to the four winds and call forth the breath of life, which he did.
Listen, everyone: you need the breath of God to become whole. You require God’s power in your life to live fully in Him. When your surroundings feel dry—when your circumstances and business ventures are barren—you struggle day in and day out. You work tirelessly without seeing any results. It’s like trying to dig in a parched land: you become exhausted, frustrated, weak, and breathless.
Today, I urge you to prophesy the breath of God into your life. Dry bones shall once again live; you will live again. You have struggled for too long and toiled on that land without bearing fruit. Today, speak to the four winds and invite the breath of God into your life.
“When you give an unfriendly reception to a visitor, they generally do not wish to stay. When you offer an unfavourable Now, friends, the story is not yet complete. God can change it. Don’t give up yet—it isn’t over. God is not like Hollywood or Nollywood; He is the destiny changer, the ALMIGHTY—the giver of life, the RESTORER. He can restore you. The story is not yet fully written, so don’t give up!
Don’t make your enemies comfortable; arise and take what belongs to you. Go back to the place of prayer and send those enemies out of your home. Make it HOT folks. Go back to that place of prayer, ‘the fervent and effective prayer of the righteous availeth much’. Don’t just stand there and expect things to get better. No, stand up and pray it out. Don’t let the problem be comfortable, don’t allow the curse in your life, and don’t take things as they are; prophesy into your life.
God bless.