I’ve been sitting here for almost two hours, pondering the matters that weigh heavily on my heart. “Has His promise failed? Is He still true to His word? What happened to the bright and prosperous future He spoke about?” She had been so certain of His words in her life. After all, He spoke clearly to her years ago, even before her son was conceived. He spoke of so many great things about him, but now it all feels like a failure. She has been scorned and abused by everyone in society. Now, her beloved son, whom she loved and treasured so much, has been taken away from her, killed in his prime before her very eyes.
Are you feeling like Mary this minute? She was told that her son would be the savior of the whole world, yet He was still allowed to be killed. Does it seem like God’s promises are far from being fulfilled after you’ve done everything He asked of you?
I loved the Lord with all my heart, yet He allowed this terrible thing to happen to me. He watched as my whole family was taken away by death. Why? Why did He allow the people I love dearly to die? The tears are unstoppable, and the hurt and pain are unbearable. The void they left in my life will be forever felt, and everything around me is a reminder of my loss.
Are you feeling like Job? It may not be the loss of a loved one, but perhaps something important in your life—something or someone you hold so dearly—that was suddenly taken from you in one day. Do you feel let down, cheated, and forgotten?
I have served the Lord with all my heart and have been faithful in keeping all of His laws. I have been obedient and have done everything the Lord asked of me. But now, I find myself in a difficult position; I have defied myself and committed the unthinkable. I have fallen from grace and sinned against God. Oh my God! I am ashamed of myself. I have robbed another man of his life and killed an innocent child. I allowed lust and pride to overwhelm me.
Are you feeling like David? Perhaps you haven’t killed anyone literally, but have you committed something abominable against God? Have you stolen something that belonged to someone else, lied against an innocent person, and crushed their dreams? Have you done something you wish you could take back and erase entirely from your history?
Oh, how I wish that the Lord would remember me and grant me favor. I have been a faithful servant, steadfast and abiding in love. Even though I have lost the one I love and missed an opportunity, I continue to serve faithfully and await His promise. I have stayed with my mother-in-law and helped her in all that she does. Now, I wait for my Boaz, my promise from God—a man after God’s own heart, a man who will love and cherish me.
Is this you this morning? Are you waiting for your Boaz, the promise of God?
Every day, every night, every second, I have cried and soaked my bed in tears, waiting for my joy. All I want, Lord, is a child from my womb, a child to call my own. My rivals conspire behind my back, and even among my friends, they are starting to call me names. In the church, many are questioning why God has not blessed me with a child. Some are spreading negative rumors about me, suggesting that I have been wayward in my youth, which is why I haven’t conceived. There is so much pain and bitterness in my heart.
Please, Lord, show me mercy and favor. Let me be a mother of many; let children surround me. My heart aches, and I am on the verge of giving up. This pain is too much for me to bear. Help me, Lord. Is this you today?
There are many stories of people who have faced similar situations. Some have experienced being beaten, scorned, and filled with disappointment. They have lost loved ones, missed opportunities, and seen their dreams shattered.
Mary couldn’t understand why the world would take her Son, who was supposed to save them, away from her. She must have cried out to the Lord to save her Son and wondered why the promises of God seemed so empty.
Are you doubting God’s promises in your life? Is the one thing you love and hold dear slipping away from you, while nothing positive seems to happen? Have you lost a loved one, the same person the Holy Spirit prophesied would be great in life? There is so much pain in your heart, but listen—God has not forgotten you.
It often feels like nothing is working despite all your prayers and pleas. Sometimes, the pain feels unbearable, and you might even think about taking your own life. The ridicule and scorn can feel like too much to bear. The pain persists, and the scars are visible to everyone. Does it hurt so badly? Tears stream down your face each time you think about it. You can feel the emptiness in your heart, a constant reminder of all you are going through. After years of striving and working so hard, you may feel you have nothing to show for it, facing disappointment after disappointment.
My friends, don’t lose heart; don’t give up now. The Lord is watching over you—trust me, He is. Even though the circumstances around you might suggest otherwise, He has not forgotten you. The Lord goes before you; He will be with you and will not leave you. The Lord is a stronghold for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble.
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and staff, they comfort me. Notice how David said, “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death.” There are times when we see disappointment and terror surrounding us, but fear not, for He is with us. His people had to walk through the fire in the past, but the Lord was there with them, protecting them and not allowing the fire to harm them.
Perhaps these trials are meant to make you stronger and to reveal God in your life. All I know is that God never fails, and He will keep you until the end. If you stay focused on Him, your joy will come. Your children will come, the ones you love will come, the joy and promotion you seek will come, and the peace you desire will come.
God is not absent when His people are on trial; He stands in court as their advocate, pleading on their behalf. He will fight for you and will not put you to shame. Look, He is coming through for you; He is working in your favor
God is not absent when His people are on trial; He stands in court as their advocate, pleading on their behalf. He will fight for you and will not put you to shame. Look, He is coming through for you; He is working in your favor. Arise and shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. It won’t be long, my friends; He has not failed and will not fail in your life. He will wipe away your tears and give you joy instead of mourning. He will change your song and your story; He will put a new tune in your mouth and overwhelm you with His blessings. You will dance and sing for joy.
Are you feeling disappointed in yourself or regretting something you did? Ask for His mercy, and He will grant it to you—so forgive yourself. He forgives our sins and remembers them no more.
He will reveal Himself in your life; yes, He is here. You are not forgotten; you are not forsaken. God is with you, holding you right now and wiping the tears from your eyes. The pain will wash away, yes, it will! Oh dear! Listen carefully to the assurance He is giving you right now. He is speaking directly to you. Can you hear Him? Listen intently and tune your heart to Him; He is talking to you now, and you can feel His presence right beside you.
Give the pain to Him—yes, the very pain you hold so tightly in your heart, the one you have dwelled on for so many years, the one you sometimes deny but is still there. Give it to Him now and let Him take it away. Come on, He’s waiting; yes, you can do it.
Oh, what joy it is to experience His soothing presence and love! Stay a while longer and talk to Him. There is a lifting of the hands; hold Him tightly and release yourself in His embrace. The Lord is here with you; let Him take the pain away. Be encouraged!