Hi there!

Today, I want to encourage someone out there. Are you surrounded by deceitful people? Those who speak lies against you? They throw accusations and try to bring you down with their words—whether it’s a co-worker, friends, or even family. All they do is lie and spread hatred.

Their words have become weapons aimed at destroying all that you have worked for. Not a single word from them can be trusted; their hearts are filled with malice. Their throats are like open graves. Everyone lies to their neighbor; their flattering lips speak with deceit.Hear this: “May the Lord cut off all flattering lips and every boastful tongue that says, ‘We will triumph with our tongues; our lips are our own—who is our master?’”The tongue is a powerful weapon used by the enemy to target the righteous.

They challenge you with their words, boasting that they can get away with their deceit. They speak negatively about you, destroy lives, manipulate, and tear families apart with lies. Enough is enough! Many homes have been wrecked by this weapon; marriages have been torn apart due to deceit.Are you a victim of this, suffering because of the words of the wicked? Have you pleaded your case, but found no justice? Your bed is soaked each night with tears of sorrow because of the pain in your heart.This is what the Lord says: “Because of the oppression of the weak and the groaning of the needy, I will now arise,” says the Lord. “I will protect them from those who malign them.” (Psalms 12:5).

The Lord will rise on your behalf and fight your battles. He will speak fire against those who oppress you with their words and will make their plans fruitless, destroying them with their own weapons. The pit they dug for you will become their downfall; shame and reproach will be their fate.Folks, the word of the Lord is powerful and strong. Every negative word spoken against your life, home, marriage, and family will be broken in Jesus’ name. It is written that “there is no enchantment against Jacob, and no divination against Israel.” No enchantment from the enemy will stand in your life. Those who seek to oppress you with their words and lies will be put to shame in the name of Jesus.

Remember, the Lord will rise on your behalf and fight for you. He will bring you justice and honor for every shame and reproach you have endured. He will bring forth fruit from any area of your life that has been deemed barren. His truth shall pierce through every lie and deceit; God’s truth will set you free and grant you victory over your enemies.

Abimbola Circlesoflove
Abimbola Circlesoflove
Articles: 47