“Are you asking me to leave your house?” Mama asked, her voice breaking.

Joel hesitated.

“You’re asking me to leave your house, Joel, my own son,” she said, tears streaming down her face. “After everything I did as a mother, everything I went through for you to succeed in life, and you’re standing here…” She sniffed. “You’re standing here, asking me to leave.”

Mama was overwhelmed with tears.

“Is it because of that woman you call your wife? The same one who has destroyed your life? Is she the reason you want me to leave?” she shouted, still in tears.

“She didn’t destroy my life, Mama. She did nothing,” Joel replied, his eyes brimming with tears.

“So what does she have over you? Why…?”

“Nothing, Mama, nothing…”

“Can’t you see your life? Can’t you see what you’ve become? You look miserable and unhappy. That woman has done something evil to you.”

“Mama, stop it!” he shouted, tears spilling down his face. “She did nothing. I did something to her.” He cried out, feeling overwhelmed.

Pat felt her heart skip a beat. She jolted from her spot and gently walked toward the living room.
“What!” Mama gasped, struggling to understand what he had just said.
“I did something to her. I did something terrible, and she doesn’t even know,” he cried out.
“I killed her husband,” he blurted out.
Mama gasped again and covered her mouth with both hands.
Pat was already by the door, the sound of her bag, keys, and phone dropping to the floor jolting them. Joel turned around and found Pat standing there, staring straight at him.



“Honestly, I wouldn’t have to feel this way if a certain someone didn’t neglect me and, even worse, wanted to cut me off.” She snarled. “What exactly do you want from me? What else is there for us to do? Stay here until one day, you decide you no longer need me and just toss me aside?” she shouted at him, her voice thick with emotion. Tears choked her throat. “I am tired of being your second choice; I am weary of living this way.” She released a shaky breath and tightened her grip on his hands. “Why do you choose to break my heart? What must I do to show you that I love you?” She swallowed hard and wiped away her tears. “All I’ve done is love you and give you my heart; why can’t I receive the same from you?” She gazed directly into his eyes.


No Place Like Home

When we leave the presence of God, we become vulnerable to the schemes of the enemy. We lose our sense of worth, our destiny becomes unclear, and we lose our identity, joy, peace, and salvation. There's no place like the presence of God because there we find fulfillment; even in the midst of our challenges, the joy of the Lord is our strength. We have hope for tomorrow, and we know where our faith lies.

Read MoreNo Place Like Home

One Day or Day One?

Today is the day that the Lord has made; we should all rejoice and be glad in it. Speak into today to bring good tidings to you and your family. The Bible says, "You shall decree a thing and it shall be established, and light shall shine upon it." The words of your mouth are powerful; they can penetrate the innermost part of your being. Start today to decree a New Thing.

Read MoreOne Day or Day One?


“Have you told him?” Pat asked.
“Told him?” Anna snapped.
“Of course not!” “Anna!” Pat called out firmly. “I'm really getting angry at you now. I can’t believe you’re keeping such a secret from your husband.”
“I can’t tell him,” Anna whispered into the receiver.
“Secrets are not good, Anna; they destroy homes, marriages, families. You have to come clean. You need to confess to him.” “This is my secret, Pat, and I would like it to remain so until—”
“Until when?” Pat shouted in frustration.
“Until I say so,” Anna snapped back. Anna could hear Pat inhale deeply.
“Everyone has a secret, Pat, especially in marriage. Some things are better kept private,” she said.
“What?” Pat gasped. “I can’t believe you’re saying this. Secrets are bad, Anna. This is really troubling.” She spoke gently to her. “You cannot hide this from him; it’s not right.”


Why do I need to forgive?

Resentment is like drinking a glass of poison while glaring at your offender, waiting for them to suffer. It is self-destructive, which is one reason we must forgive; we have no more right to harm ourselves than we do to harm anyone else created in God’s image. It’s not that the other person didn’t do something wrong; it’s that if we aren’t careful, their wrongdoing can take control of our hearts and minds. In a very real sense, resentment allows someone else to own a part of you. It can become an obsession, robbing you of joy and clarity

Read MoreWhy do I need to forgive?


"Procrastination is the thief of time; year after year, it steals away our moments until all are gone, leaving us at the mercy of a fleeting instant, while vast concerns of our eternal state remain unaddressed. At thirty, a man suspects he may be a fool; by forty, he knows it and resolves to change; by fifty, he chastises his infamous delays and pushes his prudent intentions to take action. In all his noble thoughts, he resolves and re-resolves, yet ultimately dies in the same state." ~ Edward Young

Read MoreProcrastination


He swallowed hard. “You need to know that this is a tough decision for me, but I have to do what’s best for my family,” he said quietly, watching her take another mouthful of salad. “What we had was a mistake—a terrible mistake,” he continued slowly. “If we keep this up, we’re going to hurt the people we care about…” He paused, searching her face for a reaction, but it remained expressionless. “I’ve thought about this for days, and I want you to understand that this decision hasn’t been easy for me,” he said, running his hands through his hair. “I don’t want to lose my family… please, Amanda…” He took a moment to gather his thoughts. “We can’t continue like this; we have to stop…”


Silent Treatment

Let's be clear: the silent treatment is a form of punishment. This should not be confused with taking time alone to sort out your feelings, which is both understandable and normal. However, there are instances when you may feel angry and lash out by completely shutting down and not allowing your partner to connect with you at all. You might be so upset that you find it difficult to say anything.

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