As he walked past Sophia’s room, he noticed the door was slightly open, so he peeked inside. She was facing the wall. He wanted to say something but wasn’t sure what she had heard or seen. He stood by the door for several seconds before walking back to his own room. Part of him wanted to check on Amanda, but another part just wanted to be alone. All he wanted now was to reflect on his life. He wasn’t sure where to begin, but he realized that his betrayal was closer to home than he had imagined. What was going through his little girl’s head? What had she heard? What did she understand? These thoughts plagued his mind.


I Am Not Forgotten

Those who thought you cannot amount to anything—who have spoken against you, insulted you, and scorned you—will witness the manifestation of God’s blessings in your life. They will see you excel and be promoted beyond their wildest imaginations. Oh my! What God has planned for you, the enemy cannot stop. He cannot stand it, and there is nothing he can do about it. God will bring it to fruition.

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For the first time in her life, Rachael had no idea what to say to her friend. She had never imagined herself in such a situation before, and in that moment, she thought of what a little girl might do if she needed help—run to her mother. “Maybe my mother could help,” Rachael uttered, but immediately regretted saying it. The thought of involving her mother wouldn’t make things any easier for them. “Your mother!” Aamilah’s jaw clenched in disgust. “What do you think your mother would do?” she snapped, then remembered that she already knew the answer. Aamilah covered her mouth to stifle the screams that were about to erupt. “Oh God…” she cried out. “This is not happening to me—what have I done to myself?” She sank to the floor in tears.


His Word is PROVEN

This year, I will speak life. I will speak fruitfulness. I will speak power. I will speak favor. I will speak blessings, promotion, wealth, and inspiration. I will speak wisdom and an excellent spirit. I will proclaim the Word of God in my life. Folks, don’t just sit back and let life happen to you; declare what you want and what you don’t want.

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Today and Always; I Choose to Listen

Have you ever driven down a road and encountered very slow drivers who frustrate your progress? They can slow you down and prevent you from overtaking them. In other cases, some drivers may lash out and shout at you for not moving fast enough, demanding that you get off the road. The most frustrating situation of all is when you miss turns you should have taken and realize that you're lost.

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Adrenaline surged through her body as she picked it up. “Oh my God!” she exclaimed, holding the stick up for a better look. The word 'Positive' stared back at her, and she covered her mouth in shock. “Oh God! What has Rachael done?” Panic set in, and her hands trembled. She could no longer stand, so she gently sat on the bed. For almost ten minutes, she remained there, feeling an uncomfortable pain in her chest. Suddenly, the door opened, and Rachael walked in. She was taken aback to see her mother holding the pregnancy test kit, horror etched across Pat's face. Rachael instantly knew what her mother was thinking, and she realized she would have to betray her friend’s trust.


Re-Write Your Destiny

However, something significant occurred afterward.While Haman’s demise was a triumph—his estate was even granted to Mordecai—it wasn’t the end of the struggle. A decree had been issued that on the 13th day of the twelfth month, all Jews would be killed. The death of Haman did not nullify that decree. The man who had instigated this terrible order was gone, yet the decree itself remained in effect.

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