Are you there, Lord?

Sometimes when the Lord tells us to do something, it doesn’t mean that everything will be smooth. We still have to confront challenges along the way, face discouragement, and often encounter disapproval and accusations—even from those we love and respect. This does not mean that the Lord is not with us on that journey. Even when it seems as if He is sleeping, He is there.

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Broken Lamp

That day, I learned that no matter how small, trivial, or big a problem may seem, God is able to solve them. All I need to do is surrender to His grace and mercy. Why not do that today? Give Him all your thoughts, challenges, and worries—the late-night anxieties, the house bills, the job stresses, the exam pressures—because He can handle it all.

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It Hurts So Bad

After all, He spoke clearly to her years ago, even before her son was conceived. He spoke of so many great things about him, but now it all feels like a failure. She has been scorned and abused by everyone in society. Now, her beloved son, whom she loved and treasured so much, has been taken away from her, killed in his prime before her very eyes.

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Everyone loves the sound of miracles. We listen with excitement to other people's testimonies and wonder if such blessings or answers to prayers can happen to us. God doesn't discriminate based on gender, race, or culture; if He can do it for them, He can do it for you. We often forget that God is still and always in the business of miracles. Miracles happen every day. God is limitless, and His ability to perform wonders can never be diminished.

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Breaking Free

My friends, don't gamble with the enemy, don't beg, don't negotiate, and don't request sympathy from them. They are the enemy! Instead, when you see they are making life more difficult for you, go back to the things you were doing that made them behave in such manner, go back to prayer. Intensify the fire, send angels on assignment, and increase the prayers. Don't stop

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All For Chocolate

Disappointment and discouragement can be overwhelming. You desire success, but the path to achieving it can take time. Every journey has its tests, but your willingness to persist despite the trials and obstacles will provide you with the strength to keep going.

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I Will Rise Again

When you are alive but surrounded by reminders of death, you cannot truly shine. Do you understand that? You cannot be living and carry the scent of death or be covered in shame. Jesus recognized this when He raised Lazarus from the dead; He wanted him not just to come back to life but to truly shine, for His light had come, and the glory of the Lord had risen upon him.

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