Many of us seek our partner’s attention, and at times, we resort to giving them the silent treatment, believing it will convey our feelings. The silent treatment can occur for various reasons; it’s not just about not speaking; it also involves our body language, attitude, and behavior. While arguments may highlight our differences, at least they involve communication that can lead to a resolution. In contrast, the silent treatment communicates nothing except sending the wrong message to either partner.

Let’s be clear: the silent treatment is a form of punishment. This should not be confused with taking time alone to sort out your feelings, which is both understandable and normal. However, there are instances when you may feel angry and lash out by completely shutting down and not allowing your partner to connect with you at all. You might be so upset that you find it difficult to say anything.

People who give the Silent Treatment often know that it hurts their partners, and that’s part of the reason they do it. They withdraw to express their anger instead of communicating openly and fairly. When someone uses the Silent Treatment, they don’t give their partner an opportunity to engage in conversation.

If you have resorted to giving the Silent Treatment, it’s important to recognize that it’s a hurtful and immature way to handle conflict. It turns you into someone who struggles to communicate like an adult in a relationship. If you’re in a relationship, consider taking the honorable step of allowing your partner to talk to you. Engage in conversation, share your feelings, and work together to improve your relationship. Have you ever used the Silent Treatment with your partner? Or have you been on the receiving end? Share your feelings about the experience and how you dealt with the situation.

Abimbola Circlesoflove
Abimbola Circlesoflove
Articles: 47