Sometimes in life, we must navigate the toughest roads to reach our destination. We encounter potholes and uneven terrain, and we may even face heavy traffic that gives us a nagging headache, especially in the heat. The heat and dust can sometimes discourage us from continuing on our journey.
Have you ever driven down a road and encountered very slow drivers who frustrate your progress? They can slow you down and prevent you from overtaking them. In other cases, some drivers may lash out and shout at you for not moving fast enough, demanding that you get off the road. The most frustrating situation of all is when you miss turns you should have taken and realize that you’re lost.
A while ago, I was driving home with my kids on an unfamiliar road late at night. I relied on my (Tom Tom) navigation system and made sure to increase the volume to the highest setting so I could hear every instruction. However, after a while, it told me to take the next exit, but I ignored it because the road didn’t seem right to me. Eventually, the Tom Tom recalculated and suggested another exit, but I ignored that one too.
It was dark, and at that point, I was scared and felt lost. I had my kids (they were young then) in the car and, to make matters worse, my fuel tank was empty; I could see the red light flashing to indicate this. Frustration washed over me. My phone wasn’t working, so I couldn’t call my husband or anyone else for help.
After driving aimlessly for a while, I decided to put my trust in the Tom Tom, as it seemed like my only hope. I began to follow every direction, even when the roads didn’t seem right to me. At one point, I found myself the only car on a narrow stretch of road. I listened to every instruction, and finally, I made it home. I honestly had no idea what route I took, but I was relieved to be back safely.
This experience has taught me a valuable lesson: sometimes, when we ignore the Lord’s instructions and guidance for our lives, we think we know better and choose our own path. Throughout our journey, we may overlook opportunities that the Lord presents to us because of our careless attitude or tendency to think we know everything. We forget that the Creator knows all things. Instead of following His guidance, we often pay more attention to human advice.
For instance, someone might tell you, “I’ve driven down these roads countless times; this is the right way.” In doing so, we lose focus on the Lord’s command and instead follow the directions given by others. Even in ministry, we might hear people suggest that we should present our messages a certain way, saying things like, “Forget about the message you are preaching; people aren’t interested in that anymore. This is what they want to hear.” As a result, we may forsake the word the Lord has put in our hearts and instead speak the words of men
It’s time to retrace our steps back to the Master’s instruction. Only He can guide us to our destination, not the world’s perceptions of things. We need to listen to His direction for our lives. Jesus is the way and the truth.
Take a moment today to reflect on your journey. Are you on the right path? If you are, congratulations! If not, I encourage you to make amends and return to your Maker.
Remember the story of Joshua when he took over from Moses. The Lord said to him in Joshua 1:7, “Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go. Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.”
The Lord warned him that on this journey, he needed to listen to His Word alone, not the counsel of the elders or the people of Israel. Meditating on His Word day and night would ensure that his ways would be prosperous.
Return to the source of your life and your foundation. Seek the Lord for instructions and direction. May God help us all.
Stay blessed.